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The freefalling of WTC buildings 2, 1 & 7

When the Twin Towers collapsed, it was nearly the most surreal event that I had ever witnessed.

But in later years that surrealism became disbelief.


Just before they collapsed, many MANY witnesses heard, saw and felt secondary explosions.

Witnesses like firefighters, police officers, reporters on the scene, and hundreds and hundreds of regular civilians, some of them survivors from the towers themselves. People in the subway area BELOW building #1 were wounded from an explosion that had taken place under that building, seconds before the impact of American Airlines flight #11.

One man was so badly burned, a witness who helped him said his skin was hanging from his arms.

So many people found it strange that these towers, building #1, building #2, and building #7 came down in such a neat, straight line. And so fast too.

Into their own footprints. Like buildings in a staged demolition.

And that’s exactly how they came down. Complete with a free fall of seconds.

For the Twins it was around 10 seconds, #7 did it in 8 seconds.

I think these three buildings were rigged with explosives, thermate (thermite mixed with sulphur) comes to mind since it can get hot enough to melt steel, because fuel can’t, and that the airplanes, as fully fueled as they were, were used as detonators.

That way the detonation of the buildings was cloaked by the sustained damage of the impacted airliners.

Since the planes didn’t do all that much damage to the buildings after all, they were detonated the old-fashioned way.

It had to look spectacular, and it had to look like an attack.

Conveniently, a brandnew plan called the Patriot Act, (which was probably already waiting in someone's desk drawer), and later Patriot Act II, were put into practice? And America was thrown into yet another war.

The airplanes were just the icing on the cake of war. Show props.

That's eventually what conspirators began to whisper to each other, and began to fill websites and blogs with.

However, the free fall, the use of explosives, and the impact of the airplanes themselves were ingredients that didn't go away.

The whole 'false flag' brouhaha was something I decided to sweep into the garbage can.

In 2005, a skyscraper in Madrid was engulfed by flames for 20 hours, and it still stood after the flames finally extinguished.

These flames were high on oxygen (white flames in the middle), whereas the flames in the Twin Towers were very dark, which is caused by oxygen starvation. The black smoke is proof of that. Then only an hour after impact, both Twin Towers collapsed? Straight vertical?

Not just that, but the second building to get hit was the first building to collapse?? Yeah, that makes sense.


  • Larry Silverstein, who is leaseholder of the WTC in New York, gave the order to the FDNY Commander to “pull it”, after he told him it would be impossible for them to contain the fires in building #7. Did that building fall before or after that demolition team went in by order of Silverstein?


  • Philidelphia 1991 (One Meredian Plaza) and Madrid 2005 (Windsor Tower) saw two sky scrapers engulfed in flames for 17 and 20 hours respectively. In both cases the fire was hotter than at the WTC in 2001, they burned much longer, but they still stood. And they were both rebuilt.


To date, the three skyscrapers in New York are the ONLY three skyscrapers to have ever fallen due to "fire damage". 










































In 1992 a 747-258 cargo crashed into a 10-story concrete apartment building in Amsterdam.

This was less than a mile from where I lived. I was at the crash site and was witness to the horrific temperatures and smells.

I was also witness to the debris. I stood next to the nose gear, which had been launched several hundred feet away.

The section of the building where the plane impacted didn’t survive and was completely destroyed. It was concrete after all.

But the rest still stands today. Only the middle section where the airplane impacted was never replaced. It is now two buildings.

This was a fully loaded 747 cargo, and on board were, amongst other things, (although never officially acknowledged) weapons and ammunition. But, as you can see in the pictures below, there was plenty of evidence of an aircraft.

Sure this was only 10 stories and not 110, like was the case with the WTC, but this proves that even concrete was a little stronger.

The rear section of the aircraft stayed on one side of the building, while the nose section plowed through the building and ended up on the other side.

Before crashing, this aircraft lost it’s #3 and #4 engines above a lake, and possibly some sections of the slats too, which resulted in the aircraft becoming severely unstable and difficult to control. The 3 man crew dumped as much fuel as they could spare into another nearby lake, and continued back to the airport by controlling the thrust on the two remaining engines.

Although there were never any tests done for this, it’s pretty evident there was no thermite or thermate anywhere in the building, or on board the plane. The fire was contained after a few hours, and investigators came in the following morning wearing white suits. 

Clean up of the site began a few days later.















































Now I just want to clarify something really important: when people speak freely and openly about the World Trade Center buildings being brought down in a controlled manner, a controlled demolition, we really shouldn't forget that this sort of operation takes months of planning. Months. And the bigger the building, the longer the planning and the actual placing of the explosives will take.

So anyone who escaped these buildings alive now lives on with the knowledge that they worked in these buildings for months, as they were being set up with explosives. That's a freaky thought!

So when Silverstein gave the order to "pull it", he was basically saying "Push that button. Detonate. Blow it".

Because he knew damn well it was already rigged with explosives. He already had new designs for a brandnew World Trade Center.

With the day already claiming so many deaths, would an FDNY Commander, or any other FDNY fire fighters for that matter, allow non fire fighters into a burning building? Especially to place explosives in order to bring that building down? It's suicidal.


Okay, so then an important question arises: if these buildings had been brought down by explosives, what more proof is there than just some minute spheres of nano-thermite in the dust?

Well apart from the sounds of explosions and secondary explosions heard by cops, fireman in the towers, people on the streets?















These are known, in the demolition community, as "squibs".

Little blowouts that some will argue were caused by high-velocity decompression due

to the collapse of the building, and that it happens quit often when a building pancakes into itself.  Yes, of course it does.

Now ask someone who works with explosives and detonators for a living and they will tell you that's horseshit.

Squibs occur when explosives are detonated. They're common, but they only happen when an explosive didn't detonate properly or if the explosive wasn't placed properly.

The keywords here are "explosives, detonate".


Okay, so if it took months to place all these explosives, who could have done that and not be noticed?

Well, 81 workers of ACE Elevators Inc worked on the elevators of both towers for a period of 9 months prior to 9/11 as part of the "elevator modernization" that was called for by, probably, the lease holders or the board of directors. Or someone.


So now we're warped into a gigantic conspiracy anyway. But there's a difference between a conspiracy theory and fact.

As Dave vonKleist, a talk radio host for The Power Hour, said "It starts as a conspiracy theory, but as soon as evidence is found to support the theory, it's no longer a theory. It's a conspiracy. And usually when things don't line up properly to support the official story, it's evidence that something else has happened instead. And the official story is then called "a cover up".

Okay so what's the motive for killing thousands of your own people? To drive fear and anger into the rest of the nation so they will support war abroad and approve of national security being increased by their government, who have a different agenda altogether that you, of course, know nothing about?

Two years before 9/11, USA Today reported that NORAD conducted exercises and simulations of airliners used as weapons on the World Trade Center in New York, and the Pentagon in Washington. The Pentagon simulation idea was abandoned because officials said it was unrealistic. That’s as subtle as a potential bankrobber e-mailing a bank for security information and saying “in case I have a mind to rob it”.
There's a bit more info to take in: the National Reconnaissance Office was actually in the middle of a mock 'wargame' when the first call came in of a possible hijack (American 11), and the crew o
f the NRO weren't sure if this was part of the exercise or not.

This of course contributed to the massive confusion regarding the scrambling of fighter jets.
Also interesting is that FEMA arrived at the WTC on Sept 10th for a "training exercise" called Operation Tripod!

I don't know about you, dear reader, but the further I read into 9/11, the more I tend to find out and piece together.


I think one of the dumbest mistakes made in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, was NIST explaining with a computer animation just how building #7 (aka The Solomon Brothers building) fell that day.

Did they really forget we had seen it on tv already?

When you place those images side by side, the live tv footage, and the computer animation ... well, you be the judge.




















We have to ask ourselves: are we deliberately being lied to, or did they just have no idea whatsoever that people would save all the available information that has been accumulated over the years, and eventually compare notes and make government officials look really stupid?? Didn't they learn anything from JFK conspiracy theorists? Or did they perhaps think they would do it better this time?


I'm suddenly reminded of a scene from the classic movie "The Gumball Rally", in which a van loaded with fuel is leaking gasoline and then a man throws a burning cigar from his car which then ignites the trail of leaking fuel, which results in the van being "chased" by a trail of fire. The driver of the van accelerates and one of the other men in the van says "Are you crazy? You can't outrun fire!"


Well, you can't outrun the truth either.

Eventually your mistakes will chase you.

And bite you in the ass.


I will end this chapter with a very powerful quote: "This is clearly ... the way the structure is collapsing ... this was the result of something that was planned. This is not ... it's not accidental. That the first tower just happened to collapse, and that the second tower just happened to collapse in exactly the same way. How they accomplished this we don't know." - unknown.



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