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P o l i t i c s

                         “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley

I was going to start this page with something completely different.

But a startling event changed that, and forced me to address an issue that has been going on for far too long.



In November of 2016, just days after the death of Fidel Castro, as one of the final acts of his presidency, Barrack Obama set out to restore relations with Cuba. In full.

It was his intention to lift the embargo in its entirety, in place since October of 1960, which would fully restore trades and travel between Cuba and the United States. This embargo had seen moderate changes and relaxed versions.

Slowly but surely it seemed as if things were finally looking up. Like these two neighbors would finally get along and find an accord.

But as of June 16, 2017, President Donald Trump fully reinstated the Cuba Embargo:

‘I am canceling, immediately, the previous administration’s one-sided deal’.


And just like that years of effort and work have been destroyed, and America has been time-warped back to 1960.

The way Trump talks about putting the embargo back in place seems more like he’s been bullied to do it.

As if someone had asked him “What are your thoughts on the trades between America and Cuba?” and he then felt compelled to say “Well, I’m not happy about it. And I think I’m going to change it.”


He’s a guy who loves being President, loves having all that extra power, and loves that he has the ability to shut things down.

It's his "You're fired!" attitude all over again.

Of course he’s forgetting that, just a few years ago, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts did business through a U.S. consulting firm, Seven Arrows Investment and Development Group, with Cuba, which got down-played to being nothing more than a charitable effort.

As if things between the United States and Cuba weren’t bad enough, the Helms-Burton Act stayed in place, which basically condems anyone, including non-U.S. residents, who does any sort of business with, or undergoes travel to and from Cuba.

This includes NATO partners in the EU and Canada.

Such a hideous act, and even more ridiculous embargo, doesn’t exist between America and China, or even with Russia.

I’m not even sure there is an embargo with North Korea!

So why stay on Cuba's ass any longer? The Beard is dead. Move on!

Now, on with the show.

The many sides of Politics

First a quote from the late, great George Carlin:

"they [politicians] speak, of course, with great caution because they must take care to not actually say anything. Proof of this is, according to their own words, that they don't actually say things. They indicate them.

'As I indicated yesterday, and as the Predident indicated to me', but some times they don't indicate, they suggest. 'Let me suggest that as I indicated yesterday, I haven't determined that yet."

That's basically Politcal Bullshutting 101.

One thing I've learned during my years on this planet is that politics, in which ever form it governs your nation, doesn't work.

Not one iota.

The proof lies within most countries.

Some countries, even real big ones, have just two political parties. And they never see eye to eye.

In some smaller countries it can get even more confusing. The Netherlands for example, with 17 million inhabitants, has 10 big parties in what is called "The Second Chamber", but has at least 40 smaller parties operating at local, lower levels.

This one country has seen 5 government collapses in the last 15 years.

You would think that ought to send a signal to our Regal Leader to intervene?


America has a confusing government consisting of just two parties; republicans and democrats. And they never see eye to eye either.

They rarely sidestep the opportunity to butt heads.

How can the United States be seen as a democratic society when they call themselves a republic?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands ... "

Why the word 'Flag'  is purposely written with a capital letter is beyond me, but that's beside the point.

If the elected President is a Democrat, technically anyone who is a Republican will not abide him.


This strong country has one enemy it has, for some reason, always feared. And that enemy is called Communism.


I decided to dig a little deeper into this fear and find out just why America has always seen Communism as such a large threat to their existence. The biggest enemy of the United States for many years, because they saw it as the tip of the Communist spear, was the The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; The USSR.

That name is very intriguing by itself, as is made up of four very powerful ingredients : Union, Soviet, Socialist, Republics

Union:         means the merging of two or more states

Soviet:        literally means council

Socialist:     their political background

Republics:   more than one sovereign state


So what the USSR literally stood for was the bonding of several sovereign states (nations) into one socialist giant.

At the head of that giant is one President.

BUT, it was a socialist regime. So how did that become a Communist regime?


Well, let's start by comparing the two:


Communism and socialism are economic and political structures that promote equality and seek to eliminate social classes.

Sometimes, the two are used interchangeably, though they are quite different.

In theory, socialism and communism sound appealing, with everyone doing their share and working together to provide for the greater good. Each utilizes a planned production schedule to ensure the needs of all community members are met.

They are utopian economic structures that some countries have tried; however, most have failed or become dictatorships, making reform nearly impossible.


In a communist society everything is owned by the working class and everyone works toward the same communal goal.

There are no wealthy and poor classes. Instead, all are equal.

Production from the community is distributed based upon need, not by effort or amount of work.

It is expected that basic needs for each worker are met by the community, and there is no more to be obtained through working more than what is required.

For example, if a worker puts in more time at work, he sees no additional reward, and production is minimally affected.

The worker receives the same stipend and ration as before.

Therefore, this type of economy often results in poor production, mass poverty and little advancement.

This occurred in the 1980s to the Soviet Union when poverty became widespread, and rebellions and revolutions caused a dissolution of the nation.


Socialism shares similarities to communism but to a lesser extreme. As in communism, equality is the main focus.

Instead of the workers owning the facilities and tools for production, workers are paid and allowed to spend their wages as they choose, while the governing body owns and operates the means of production for the benefit of the working class.

Each worker is provided with necessities so he is able to produce without worry for his basic needs.

Still, advancement and production are limited because there is no incentive to achieve more.

Without motivation to succeed, such as the ability to own an income-producing business, workers human instincts prohibit drive and desire that is produced through such incentives.


Both communism and socialism are near opposites of capitalism, with no private ownership and class equality.

In capitalism, reward comes naturally without limitation to workers who exceed the normal minimums.

When there is excess production, the owner can freely keep it, and he has no obligations to share his spoils with anyone else.

A capitalist environment facilitates competition, and the result is unlimited advancement opportunity.


In modern society, many countries have adopted pieces of socialism into their economic and political policies.

For example, in the United Kingdom, markets are allowed to fluctuate rather freely, and workers have unlimited earning potential based on their work. However, basic needs like healthcare are provided to everyone regardless of time or effort in their work.

The welfare programs like food stamps in the United States are also forms of socialist policies that fit into an otherwise capitalist society.


So in short, what capitalism provokes, and even advertises and promotes, is how to earn more by putting in more effort.

This is, of course, not a bad deal, were it not for the one factor that created the Socialist decline in the USSR: greed.

It's the human factor of always wanting more. If you want more just so you can provide for your family, of course that's fine.

But if you want more just to HAVE more, without really needing it, you've entered a world you can never see yourself without.

You'll do anything to keep it.

And that's what the cut-throat world of business in the West has become.

This is where capitalism rules the most. The greedy. The overly wealthy.


So Socialism stands for social strength and economic values by assuring productive means are co-owned and porperly maintained.

To stand and work together to create a better way of life, by any means necessary. This includes the wealthy distributing funds to the needy in order to achive a better economic and social status for all.

The principles of socialism are:       - production for use

                                                      - to directly satisfy the economic demand and human needs

                                                      - objects are valued by their use-value


Capitalism clings to the principles of production for profit and accumulation for increase of capital.


Socialist structure is based on democracy (for example, Canada is a Socialist Democracy), but its goal is to achieve the better good for the people. Democracy in turn leans more towards achieving the better good for the capitalists.

What socialism has in common today with democracy is how it has evolved to elude the general population by using terms like reformism versus revolutionary socialism, and state socialism versus libertarian socialism.

Simple socialism, as it once was, is no more.



But why is communism so scary in the eyes of "westerners"? 

At some point, some people in the US Government started putting a scare on their own people, and between the 1930's and the 1990's within the US communists were, and communism was, seen as a disease.

A crime. Why?


Communism stands for the establishment of the communist society, which is a socio-economic order structured upon the common owner-ship of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

True communism is against capitalism and greed, as true Islam preaches against violence and war.

However, thanks to countries like North Vietnam, North Korea, China, and Russia, communism got a really bad reputation because each of these countries had bad leaders (think Stalin, Mao and Kim-Jong-Il) who created a dictatorship within a socialist and communist government, which led "free thinking western societies" to believe that socialism and communism was bad.

The latter was especially the case in the United States, where anyone who was even remotely associated with communism or socialism was considered a security risk, and was therefore blacklisted.

Islam, because of fundamentalist extremist groups like Al Qaeda, Taliban and Islamic State, has gotten an equally bad reputation that causes fear and anger among capitalist democracts and Christian societies.


On paper both Communism and Socialism sounds great, don't they?

But it's the factor of "human greed for more" that causes a communist government to rule with iron fists.

But human greed isn't a natural trait for us. When we're shown what can be achieved and owned through popular media by working hard, you hope to own these things some day so your neighbors won't think you belong to a lower class.

That's capitalism: status. Creating and upholding a social and economic status at whatever cost.


So how did the world become such a nasty place: the fued between Communist and Capitalist nations.

In short, they both have to go. Period.

And with that the nonsense will stop.



So it was Socialism and Communism versus Democracy and Capitalism.

Okay, we've covered the first two. But how about the other two?



Capitalism ... only works for the rich who destroy the planet and the many lives on it so they themselvs can live as comfortable as possible.


Democracy ... is outdated and has often been one big smoke screen. No country is truly a democratic republic anymore.


Democrats are slaves to the establishment created by a capitalist government, with one goal in mind: to have more.

"Enough" is not a word in the vocabulary of a well-established capitalist.

Where there is one, there is the other.

Democracy lets the people believe they have actually elected/voted, for their leader. But they haven't.

Every democratic government is owned and run by capitalists and their corporations, who in turn control the media that lets YOU see what is needed in order to sell you the idea that what the economy needs is your input and financial backing in order to achieve peace through warfare. This is exactly how war bonds were sold: scare people into thinking they are constantly under attack so they will remain patriots and give financial support to their military regime in order to fence off the enemy.

In truth, the only true enemy they have is themselves and the government they have helped create.

Let me share with you a thread called "What's so bad about socialism?" in a Yahoo discussion group:



a theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government.



a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.


There are no candidates that even come close to those two models.



an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.


Currently, in the USA, we are a federal republic with democratic principles under a capitalistic economic system and socialism for needed services.


Those needed services are things such as:



Public Education

State, federal and city infrastructures are a mixture of socialism and capitalism working together.




The only area where we are lacking socialism with needed services is our medical system for the average American.

Yet the ones who pass the laws, our federally elected officials, enjoy a socialistic medical system.

We have to put up with the BS from insurance companies.


Most people have no idea what we are, what kind of government we really have, how that all breaks down in the most simple terms, which would make it blatantly easy to see the contradictions.


I really wish the nay sayers about universal health care would, at the very least, demand that our elected representative stop giving themselves a free ride, or come to the realization that socialism for needed services can be a very good thing for the welfare of our country.


Plus, universal health care is guaranteed in our constitution in the preamble.




We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.




Anyone who says the preamble doesn't count doesn't realize, if that is ignored, then we must ignore the whole constitution. Every word counts.




"insure the domestic tranquility"

Is our society tranquil if a catastrophic illness happens and we loose everything we have worked for our whole lives gets eaten up in bankruptcy court?


"establish justice"

is it justice when we have the highest medical costs in the world that affectively takes away all we have worked for because our insurance ran out, the insurance we paid for but in the end fails us?


"Promote the General Welfare"

Some say that the founding fathers didn't mean "promote the general welfare" meant welfare for the people. But back then, the local doctor and surgeon was usually the local barber.

There is no way on earth they could envision the practice of medicine today that takes up billions of dollars. Welfare of the country is indeed part of the welfare for the people. Anything less is spitting on our Constitution.


"We the People"

We keep forgetting, "We the People" is paramount to everything else. Our constitution guarantees the country look out for the people and their interests.




50% of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills

50% of those had medical insurance that ran out.




Many Americans do not have insurance, or the employer offered insurance they can not afford





Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated.



551 - 479 BC




Kakistocracy - government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

Sound familiar?

For many decades, Russia and the Soviet Union have been seen as the enemies of the world.

They believed in the power of communism, while the Western countries, aka “the good guys”, hid behind their capitalist democracies.

Communism was seen as the absolute enemy, because of the way a communist government treats their people.

Communism works, on paper, but it’s the human factor … greed … that was the reason for the people to be ruled by a less than friendly manor. They sought friendship with other communist countries, like North Korea, North VietNam and China.

And this made them widely impopular.


Capitalism works the same way, but we don’t feel it.

Capitalism ensures we are financially bled dry by the system, but kept happy by thinking we live in a free society.

We’re imprisoned by a mass-delusion worse than 2 billion people believing in a non-existing deity.

However, in certain countries run by a capatalist government, especially when a percentage of socialism is injected, the people are treated to a gracious healthcare, educational, and electoral system.

Just not in the United States. And slowly The Netherlands, one of America’s little lapdogs, is following that example.

Because if it made the American government so rich and powerful, maybe it’ll work for us too.

We want a slice of that pie too. Preferably before someone sticks their dick in it.


Since the 1940’s, America and Russia have been opposite sides of the same coin. No one really understands why.

Of course the Russian government has been run by leaders who were less than friendly, Stalin immediately comes to mind, but the people themselves were never evil. They were the victims of the same cruelty we are victim of.

Only they see it in everything, where we just see it financially.

The United States, once a super wealthy world power, lets their people die of hunger, or lack of medical care.

When an American citizen says anything negative about their own country, other citizens shun them.

They brand them as liberals and anti-American.

Those who, despite being let down by their own government over and over, keep believing that America is the greatest country in the world, is considered a patriot.


In 2016, Russian bombers made world news as they constantly tested the response of their European allies by slipping into their respective airspaces.


We all, myself included, responded with disgust.

But now I think I know why they did this.


A few weeks ago a grand plan was put into practice as the Russian government sent an unspecified number of well-armed jets to Syria and there they began systematically bombing very specific IS targets. Successfully.

In other parts of the skies, their American counterparts were doing the same thing.

But on one glorious day, they shared the same sky. Not as enemies, but as allies.

Allies against a common enemy: IS, or Daesh as they are sometimes lovingly referred to.

I think, in the last 10 years, it was one of the greatest, most beautiful moments in the history of world news, and certainly a step in the right direction. Oddly enough, not many Westerners saw it that way.

Two military super powers combining their strengths, efforts, and equipment, to wipe out THE threat to global humanity.

Wipe out THE threat to freedom.

A threat one of them, not the North European one, helped create.

Perhaps this a step to world peace? If Russia and America can put aside their differences and wipe out IS, imagine what else they can achieve in the rest of the middle-east?

Imagine what they could do against North Korea?

Global stability could blow new life into the global economy. A better life for everyone.

World peace.

What a dream!

I can almost feel John Lennon smiling upon us.


And then it dawned upon me!

What if the Russians aren’t lying about MH-17 either?

What if it really was the Ukranian rebels who shot that flight down with a BUK missile?

The kind of BUK missile the Russians say they stopped using in 1986?

And the Russians attacking IS was their way of showing the world that they are the good guys too?


Recently a Russian submarine was spotted off the coast of The Netherlands.

There’s no mention of its exact position, but, and this is the important part, our Defense Department shares this ‘sighting’ because the U.S. shared their fear of datacable espionage with us.

Why is it every time a horror story about the Russians is put out, America has its hand on the electronic typewriter?

The Dutch government claims there have been more sightings of Russian submarines in the North Sea, but of course won’t share the details with the public due to ‘national security’.

Minister Jeanine Hennis states: “We’re aware of the growing assertiveness and aggression of the Russians.”

Can you spot who they are learning this shit from?



Here's a last example of capitalism:

Michael Moore, one of my favourite film makers, roughly explained in his film "Bowling for Columbine" how the white pilgrims made their first contacts with the indigenous of the New World.

We all know what happened next. The indians were slaughtered and the land was snatched from them.

The pilgrims began to stake their claims, dividing up the lands among themselves. As soon as the government had formed, the new land owners were forced to pay taxes. Capitalism began taking shape now, and America began growing wealthy.


Many generations later the United States government began taking back land, for whatever reason, as can be seen in another one of Moore's masterpieces: "Capitalism: A Love Story".

Americans allow themselves to be constantly fucked over by their government, which is slightly ironic if you want to see it that way.

As if that isn't sad enough; Americans generally don't like foreigners pointing these things out to them. We're then called Anti American. One of those "Anti Americans" is Michael Moore himself.

Yet, oddly enough, he has a large amount of followers in his own country because he's not afraid to speak the truth and show the people what they really need to see.

Live long and prosper!

Or try to.

© 2015 by Metaljeeper

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