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The groan-o-meter


Clearly the term UFO was created somewhere in the United States, because it seems that the majority of the people who actually believe that UFO's are alien space crafts, are in fact American.
As redneck comedian Jeff Foxworthy once stated:

"A lot of these UFO sightings happen around fishing areas, where there is an abundance of shiny beercans and fishing lures. And of course they usually sit in these big aluminum bass boats."

UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.
This means it's a flying craft of which the make, model, size, speed, and origin can't be identified.
This does not mean they are operated by an advanced alien race from a planet far far away, who have come here to probe us or wreak havoc. However, this doesn't mean I don't believe in other civilizations in outer space. 
In fact, it is my belief we came from space.

And some times, if you look around you long enough, you'll see at least one speciman of humanoid that will make you wonder just when he or she landed.


Around the world there are many many archaeological and paleontological sites, and there have been countless digs across the globe.

Not once has anyone found a dinosaur skeleton anywhere near that of a humanoid.
Homo Habilis (2.8 - 1.5 million years ago) , Homo Erectus (1.9 million - 70.000 years ago) and Cro Magnon (approx. 45.000 years ago) simply never co-existed with dinosaurs. 
Then of course came Neanderthal (still with better hair than Donald Trump), and finally .... us.
Conclusion: whatever destroyed the dinosaurs, eventually gave birth to us. So how was that possible?


Darwin taught us his theory of evolution, which makes perfect sense.
The dinosaurs became extinct between 65 - 75 million years ago, and the oldest fossil of Homo Habilis dates back to somewhere between 2.8 - 1.5 million years ago. That's a huge gap of time between dinosaurs and our humanoid ancestors.

So it took 63+ million years for the earth to become breathable again, for the smallest of organisms to pop up from whence they hid (perhaps our single celled organism travelled along on the asteroid that impacted earth) and then very slowly the process of evolution started. But why did the dinosaurs have absolutely no chance in re-evolving?

Well, not all species went absolutely extinct.

Some of the smaller species survived somehow, and persistently evolved.
We know crocodiles, alligators, elephants, hippos and rhinos are all direct descendants of the smaller dinosaurs. And some bird species may have come from the pterosaurs. But the bigger species not returning?

No one really knows, and I'm not going to speculate on it.
But us? No, we're a brandnew species. And I fully believe we evolved here from a single-celled organism into a marvelous design that got an amazing rush of energy from a rich oxygen environment.


So perhaps the aliens that sometimes visit us are our long lost ancestors coming to take us home?
Fact of the matter is, no one knows.
In areas in the US and Mexico where these crafts are most often seen, you can place small bets that the majority of the UFO's are military aircrafts from the USAF and NASA.


On a side note: I love how our earthly scientists and so-called "experts", the people who are deemed to be the most clever of our modern species, search the stars for oxygen-rich planets because "that's the most likely place to find life". 
They fail to understand, with their university educations in their pockets, that only the species on THIS planet need oxygen to survive. (as far as we know)
Elsewhere in the universe, and probably beyond those borders too, species might be more than capable to exist without oxygen.

We need oxygen because that's how we evolved. But our ancestors in space might be more than able to inhale toxic gasses, while exhaling (or farting) something that smells really nice. As opposed to what we can accomplish after eating too much chili.
But then I've never been one to fully trust astronomers. They do a little too much guessing for my taste.
They will look at a picture taken by a deep space probe (who's doing the probing now, eh?), find a speck of light, call it a planet, give it a name or number, and then within 72 hours will be able to tell us just how far away it i
s, and its approximate age.
"123AZ is 23 million light years from us, there don't seem to be any heat sources or suns near it, so there can't be any life on or near it, and we estimate it is 2.6 billion years old."
In the mean time these people can't even estimate how old the plumbing is under their own houses.


30 Sept, 2015
And now remarkable news from Houston, Texas.

This article comes to you directly from the section of stupid shit, and joins golden oldies from the "let's sue Philip Morris for not telling us smoking causes cancer" and "Sue fast food restaurants for making foods that cause obesity." -era.
Harris County, Texas is suing Volkswagen for fucking up their environment by polluting their skies.

Yes, your environment issues have absolutely nothing to do at all with space rockets, or let's say ... American gas guzzling titans such as Hummer, Chevy, GMC, Dodge and the list goes on and on, which, as the older they get the more toxic gasses they spew out of their respective tailpipes.

Of course the true classics cars between 1940 and 1990 didn't do the Texas air any favors either, did they?
They are demanding $100 million dollars restitution from Volkswagen for damages to their environment caused by the 6000 Volkswagen diesels that have been sold among the 4.1 million Texans in Harris County.
Harris County Council in Texas is pushing the button saying "Houston, we have a problem!"


Jesus! 6000 Volkswagens eh? Damn liberals!


(yes I know I drive a Jeep, but European Grand Cherokees are made in Graz, Austria ... Schwarzenegger's town!) 

And now let us wait for the story from two parents who will try to sue Volvo because the "safest car in the world" didn't protect their son when he tried to jump his XC90 over the Grand Canyon and plunged to his imminent death.


And speaking of Jesus ...



Most people over 40 will know this song:


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 
Ev'rywhere you go; 
Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once again 
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, 
Toys in ev'ry store, 
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door."


Younger generations will probably be more familiar with:


"I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you, yeah."


Which in all fairness gets more to the spirit of what Christmas should be about.
When people say "I'm a Christian and its my right to celebrate Christmas". Fine. You're right.
BUT keep in mind that Christmas has NOTHING to do with decorated pine trees, reindeer, shiny balls, lights, presents (I'll get back to that), and some chubby old fart with a big white beard and a gleeful chuckle exclaiming "Ho! Ho! Ho!" all night long.
As a matter of fact, no one is even sure when Jesus was born.
Somewhere between December 25th and January 6th, hence the 12 days of Christmas.
Chew on that one for a second.


Okay the presents.
WHY do we give presents to
each other??

Who gave presents to the Virgin Mary to congratulate her on giving birth to the Son of God?
They brought presents for the baby instead: gold (why not, he's Jewish after all), frankinsense (to make him smell better ... hey he's been inside another human for 9 months!), and myrrh. (same)

Now these three wisemen, the Magi as they're called, didn't ride in on reindeer.

I'm pretty sure that they rode camels. Or maybe horses.
But then it could have been a Christmas colored Ferrari with the Starbucks logo on it for all I care.
The point is, NOWHERE is it mentioned that in order to celebrate his birth, do we give presents to each other, chop down a few million pine trees and hang popcorn and tinsel in them, and drink funky tasting egg yolk mixed with alcohol.


Now I could go into the full history of Christmas celebrations all I like, which I'm not going to do, because it's plainly and painfully obvious that with each new year, the commercial value of Christmas rises and those who can't afford to celebrate this season like everyone else, feel more and more worthless.
Well no need to be. Because there are people who are not followers of any religion, like me, who don't celebrate Christmas, like me, and who don't even decorate the house anymore, like me.
Why should I? Yeah I've been stupid in my life. I've spend a LOT of money getting all these trinkets, little snow villages, tree, decorations ... and then the place looks all cheerful for a month. And then when you take it down again after New Year's Day you can't help but think "Holy Fuck, this place looks boring now."
So I stopped decorating.
I'm not going with that flow anymore.


To me Christmas was having the whole family together.
We would have a supper, then all go out in the snow for a walk around the neighbourhood to look at other people's decorations.
As you get older you realize the meaning of Christmas has changed. The world has gone crazy.

This whole November 2015 issue with Starbucks is just another example of how stupid people can get over a simple decision like that. "How can they do that?? It's a Christian Holiday. I'm a fuckin Christian! So now I'm gonna boycot Starbucks for NOT decorating my cup with balls, snowflakes and reindeer."
Well Halle-fuckin-lujah! Respect to Starbucks!
Christmas is ONE DAY, has nothing to do with your pagan decorations, and sure as hell doesn't have a thing to do with Starbucks, Wendy's, McDonald's, Panasonic, or anything else.
Besides, how would you like it if Starbucks put a picture of Vishnu on their cups?

"Well shit, I'm not drinkin outta that! I'm a Christian!"
Or if Burger King started serving Chicken Chow Mein, Moo Goo Gai Pan, and Eggrolls during Chinese New Year?
Do you really want to be a good Christian and celebrate Christmas properly?

Pay tribute to Jesus in your local church, then help feed the hungry like he did, go to mass in his honour afterwards, then sing carols as
you hand clothes to the needy at your local mission.


Bah. Humbug!

© 2015 by Metaljeeper

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